Landlords cannot blanket ban DHSS tenants



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As landlords we don’t want to turn our backs on tenants without considering their story first.

Don’t tar everyone with the same brush or make assumptions when it comes to DHSS tenants. As landlords we should always allow tenants to apply and then select on a case by case basis. We should not be advertising our properties with ads that say ‘No DHSS’ as this is clear discrimination. Even if you’ve had bad experiences with DHSS tenants in the past this does not mean that every single person on housing benefits will be the same.


A court case in York has now actually ruled that blanket bans on claimants is strictly forbidden, on the grounds of discrimination. The court ruling found a single mother-of-two had experienced indirect discrimination when a letting agent refused to rent to her. She ended up homeless.

Around 20% of people living in rented accommodation in the UK receive housing benefit. They should be treated individually based on their ability to sustain a tenancy just as with tenants in employment. We are all humans, living our lives and occasionally may fall on hard times. This is when we need compassion and support from society to help us get back on the path and as landlords we can offer that helping hand, when appropriate.


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